It was a challenging gardening year. Cook temperatures, slugs and snails.... but still I persevered and look I grew beans and peas and well tons of blackberries....
OH ! I even grew a yellow pepper!!!

We picked so many blackberries that I made pies, jam and a yummy blackberry coffee cake....
I also made a peach pie with okanagan pesches which was melt in your mouth. we did have a peach tree but it died....booo hooo. We had a lot of raspberries that we just ate. I grew lots of lettuce, tomatoes and brocoli. I have moved some tomatoes inside as the weather is cooler so hopefully they will ripen or it will be fried green tomatoes..... I think I need some help in this area? If anyone knws some secrets do tell.
This year there were some special garden moments and delights. One delight was the stargazer lilies that smell delicious.... also my mom's favorite that she did plant.
As well, Dave my amazing husband built a beautiful Asian pergola or arbour.... in the garden after the tree that fell in our yard broke the other arch. It really is a great contribution to the garden.