Ever since living in Mexico, I have fallen in love with Frida Kahlo.She is such an interesting looking person and so complex.I went to where she live in Mexico and bought many of her paintings, well prints.
She is an amazing strong woman. She over came many obstacles from her pain and surgeries after her accident, to her inability to have a child. She is an inspiration. As well, her artistic style is unique and I like that. She has many colours and symbols that relate to the politics of Mexico.
I would recommed seeing that movie about her life with Salma Hayek. It gives a great over view of her life.The acting is great too.
To learn more about her life you can read her biography on the website http://www.fridakahlo.com/
Next month our book club is going to read ( my choice) the 2009 novel The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver which features Kahlo, her life with Rivera, and her affair with Trotsky.
I want to show this button art someone did of Frida Kahlo. I hope the video works to show the process of making this art.